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A couple of seniors play a game of chess, keeping their minds active.

Brain Games for Seniors to Keep Mentally Sharp

Keeping your brain active and sharp is not just for younger people. It's especially important for seniors who want to maintain cognitive health and quality of life. Mental engagement can play a significant role in reducing cognitive decline and enhancing brain functionality. A few brain games for seniors to keep mentally sharp include: Card matching…
Older adult rejecting fried chicken, surrounded by unhealthy fried foods, with fresh fruit nearby, hinting at brain health

Foods that Negatively Impact Focus While You Age

Maintaining cognitive function becomes just as important as physical health as we age. Certain foods—like processed snacks, sugary products, refined carbohydrates, fried meals, fast food, and artificial sweeteners—can negatively affect focus, memory, and overall brain health. Understanding which foods to limit can help preserve mental sharpness and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.  Eating nutrient-rich…
A caregiver and an older adult resident blow at the seeds of a dandelion together.

How to Handle a Parent with Dementia

Dementia is a serious cognitive condition that affects many older adults. It often leads to memory loss and communication difficulties. These challenges can make supporting a parent with dementia a difficult and emotionally demanding experience. That’s why caregivers for loved ones with dementia must demonstrate immense patience and empathy, and must learn to develop a…
A senior couple in their living room. One snuggles their pet dog while the other looks on, laughing and smiling

10 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors

Until relatively recently, the mental health of older adults often hasn’t been taken seriously. One way to support mental health is by engaging in therapeutic activities, which have been shown to increase cognition, reduce depression, and improve social outlooks.  While “therapeutic” sounds fancy, it ultimately just means engaging in hobbies that foster well-being, such as…
An older adult smiling and relaxing against the wooden wall, sitting on a sauna bench.

Can Saunas Help Prevent Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of dementia, is an extremely complex condition. This often poses unique challenges and affects memory, cognition, and more. However, certain lifestyle choices may significantly change the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's—like regularly using the sauna. While saunas cannot prevent Alzheimer's entirely, they may offer indirect support. They lower a person's…
A mature person experiencing Parkinson's disease walking outside with supportive footwear and a walker.

The Best Shoes for Someone with Parkinson’s 

Living with Parkinson's disease presents unique challenges concerning movement and mobility. To help alleviate some of the discomfort and provide additional stability, finding the right shoe can go a long way in helping to mitigate some of these mobility challenges.  Consider the following qualities in footwear for people with Parkinson’s. The right shoes should aim…
A senior and young nurse are sitting in a warmly lit room holding hands.

How to Talk to Someone with Dementia: Communication Tips

Caring for a loved one with a memory loss condition can be challenging, especially over time. Dementia affects memory, thinking, and social abilities, making everyday interactions difficult.  Understanding how to communicate effectively can help maintain a strong connection with your loved one and provide them with the support they need. The key is to remain…
A senior woman laughing with her caregiver in memory care.

What to Expect from a Memory Care Facility

Dementia can be complicated. This group of neurodegenerative disorders can have a significant impact on your loved one, and there may be a point when home care is no longer an option. If your loved one's dementia is starting to impact their everyday life, it's time to consider a move to memory care. But before…

Inspired Lifestyles

Memory Care

Purpose-built memory care offers personalized support, prioritizing the needs of loved ones living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Respite Stays

Embrace the help of our personalized respite stays, providing short-term support to enrich lives and offer peace of mind.

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